7 Pleasantry Words For Travelers To Korea

Korean companies are making their mark across the world, and that’s why Korea is attracting business travelers from across the globe. With Language Oasis notary translation services, you will hardly face a challenge in translating legal documents. So pack the bags, and these words might be just the right start:


1) An-nyeong-ha-se-yo (Hello)

It is one of the most common phrases that you will come across in Korea. There are many variations of the word that are used in different situations. To avoid complexity say it fast. In all probability, you will be understood and will also sound like more local.

2) Ban-gap-sum-ni-da (Nice To Meet You)

It is the most pleasant of the pleasantries, and you can use it whenever you are introduced to a curious crowd. Best said over a two-handed handshake and if you master this one you are most likely to match the level of schoolkids who say “Nice To Meet You,” whenever they see you.

3) Kam-sa-ham-ni-da (Thank You)

As obvious, the word is a bare minimum for making any attempt at Korean. So how are you going to use it? If you don’t understand what they are saying, it may be a compliment. Just smile & say thank you!

4) Jam-shi-man-yo (Excuse Me)

You can use this word to gain the attention of the people, ask them to move out of the way, or tell them to wait. You can also use the word to mean “Just-a-moment.” Imagine you are traveling on a train and want to get off it. All you have to say is this word, and people will make way for you for sure.

5) Mi-an-ham-ni-da (I’m Sorry)

These are two ways to say sorry in Korean. The first is “sorry I bumped into you” sorry. Use this if you arrive late somewhere and you want to say sorry.

6) Ju-se-yo (Please give)

It is a word that is used to make a polite request. Wondering where you are going to use these words? Well, you are mostly going to use it in the shops so if you are in a bakery and like a doughnut just point towards it and say “Ju-se-yo.”

7) I-geot (With a silent t)

The word is used in combination with pointing to indicate something close by. The typical situation for using the same is while shopping.

Han-guk-mal jal mot-hae-yo (I can’t speak Korean well)

No worries, Language Oasis is going to take care of any documents even if they are legal. Call us now @888-670-3369 to avail notary translation services.

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