Understanding the Art, Style and Language of Memes

Today, we are here to talk memes, Internet Memes! And if you feel that they are kid stuff because they include dancing babies, cute cats, and friendly dogs, then you need to rethink. Memes are serious business because they change the way we communicate, share emotions, and offer insight on where we are headed as a global society. Not just that, a meme also has the power to shape elections.              

The last decade has seen the arrival of raining ‘LOLcats and dogss,’ the famous Lord of the Rings dialogue, ‘one does not simply…’ ‘troll memes,’ and ‘overly attached girlfriend memes,’ among others. Memes are not just fun, they are one of the best ways to convey your message. The interesting part is that all memes follow some consistent linguistic rules and specific fonts.

The Inception of Internet Memes


      (Lord of the Rings Meme)
Every Internet meme has its own unique story. You may find a bunch of creative memes making news and mysteriously spreading on Twitter feed, Facebook feed, Tumblr dashboard, and any other social networking site. In fact, these memes cover numerous topics including Science, Geography, English, relationships, and current affairs, among others. Popular websites such as KnowYourMeme.com specializes in tracking down Internet memes. In fact, they even have the names of creator, artist or photographer of a few memes.

A List of Popular Meme

Raining LOLcats and Dogs


(LOLCats Memes)
One of the most shared memes is LOLcats – LOL being the text meaning ‘laugh out loud’ and cats being the most shared image on the web. These memes include some of the funniest things cats say such as “I can has cheeseburger.” In fact, OxfordWords even gives opportunity to web users to generate their own LOLcat speak memes. Recently dogs joined the league, making the memes even more interesting.

Y U No Txt Bak!?

Y U No Txt Bak!-meme

 (Gantz Memes)

Another popular meme is ‘Y U No Guy.’ If you want to send a pissed of guy meme with furious facial expressions, this is the meme to choose. The facial expression is taken from a character in Japanese manga series Gantz. The original phrase that gained popularity was, “I TXT U/ Y U NO TXT BAK!?

Final Thoughts

Memes are not just interesting, they are among the most creative ways to spread a message. So, next time if you want to show love or be sarcastic on the web, create your own meme.

Incorrect English and incomplete words work well for memes but not for your business website, documents and conversations. Enjoy our meme post; however, do not take the risk when it comes to correct language translation for business, academic and personal use.  To find out more on language translation, dial 888-670-3369.

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