How to Greet In Different Languages

Languages are fun to learn, speak, read, and listen. It is unbelievable that a simple term like ‘hello’ can be spoken differently in different languages. If you want to know some of the best of these then you are at the right place. Read this blog and get to know greeting in different languages.

A Start off

Despite different constructions of the languages and expressions they tend to communicate similar things, but in many different ways. Of course, it takes much practice to get to the expert level but learning to say ‘Hello’ is a good start. English has copied many of the following foreign expressions of welcoming, so you would probably want to know some of the ways to greet in other languages.

In Albanian

Hello in Albanian is “Tungjatjeta” pronounced in a way as “toon-jah-TYEH-tah,” which means “have a long life.” A shorter and a more informal way to say hello is “Tung” pronounced as “toong”. Albanian is spoken primarily in Albania and Kosovo, though it is also spoken in other areas of the Balkans.

In Bulgarian

Saying ‘Hello’ in Bulgarian is “zdravei”. When talking to one person, it becomes ‘Zdrasti’ and ‘zdraveite’ is spoken when greeting many people. Zdrasti is a more informal way to say hello.

In Danish

Hello in Danish is spoken as ‘hallo’, or informally “hej” to the pronoun “hi”. This language is a Scandinavian language spoken in Denmark and some parts of Greenland.

In French

This language offers to greet in a way as “Bonjour” and this is understood in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria and the sub-Saharan African countries of DR Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, Gabon and Mauritius apart from France, Belgium and Switzerland.

In Spanish

“Hola” is the word spoken to greet people. It is spoken outside Spain and sometimes called as the primary language of all Central and South American countries apart from Brazil. This language is also spoken as the second most common language in the USA.

In German

Hello in German is “Guten tag” which is pronounced as “gootan taag”. Moreover, informal ways to say hello is “hallo” and “tag” mainly marked as “tahg”.

In Italian

Saying hello in Italian is “buon giorno” simply pronounced ‘bwohn geeornoh’. Moreover, when the most informal way to say hello is “ciao”, primarily pronounced as ‘chow’.

In Latin

Greeting hello in Latin is “salve” as pronounced like ‘sal-way’ when talking to a single person. Salvete is the word pronounced as ‘sal-way-tay’ is used when greeting to more than one person.

In Romanian

So, you want to welcome in Romanian? Then say “salut”, which is pronounced as ‘sah-LOOT. You may also use
Buna dimineata—a formal morning wish
Buna ziua—an official daytime wish
Buna seara—a formal evening wish

Wrap Up!

So, now you can start a good conversation in at least 11 countries. Learning a new language is one of the most difficult task. Hence, if you are planning to visit a new country better avail language translation service. Call 888-670-3369 to learn more about such service and ease your trip.

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