Translating the Untranslatable: Learn the Art of Expression Adopting Foreign Languages

Imagine a world void of language! Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Language is a beautiful form of expression. Had the language not existed, our lives would have been a clutter of misunderstandings and havoc. Depression would have creeped in.

However, we are blessed with the glory of expression through language- a tool that can even act as a weapon if needed. The diversity of language is magnificent.

Looking at the other side of the coin, we are all trapped under the limitations of language. There are millions of emotions that do not find a refuge in our language and we are unable to express it just because of the language constraint.

How about adopting foreign languages to express ourselves? Brilliant, isn’t it?

So what if your language does not have a word for something? There might be other languages that have a word for it? Let’s see a few untranslatable words with meanings that might prove to be helpful:


You go Akihi when you listen to the directions explained to you, and then, as soon as you walk away, you forget the directions just explained. Very similar to what happens most of the times when you venture into unknown roads, right?

Akihi is a Hawaiian word.

Usage: “I have gone akihi”


Know that feeling when you feel homesick for a place of the past that you can never go back to? This extreme homesickness when tinged with grief and sadness is called Hiraeth.

Hiraeth is a Welsh word.

Usage: “My hiraeth fades when I am in my homeland.


Ever felt the urge go out again and again to see if someone is coming? Iktsuarpok is used as a noun to describe a feeling when you are in anticipation of someone coming and you are not patient enough to wait. You keep going out to check whether someone has come.

Iktsuarpok is an Inuit word.

Usage: “I have some major iktsuarpok going on because my husband hasn’t returned yet.”


Boketto is a term that describes that situation when you keep gazing at the distance without thinking of anything specific. Just vacantly gazing.

Boketto is a Japanese word.

Usage: “She was in boketto all the time.”

Such beautiful words and we never knew them? How sad! Now that you know them, you can easily use them in your day to day language.

It is sad that there are many words that cannot be translated in other languages. However, if tried with care and dexterity, one can create a translation that is just near perfect. Language Oasis helps you with translation and language interpretation services dealing in various languages. We have experts in various languages translating and interpreting your documents for you. Got a query? Give us a buzz at 888-670-3369 and we shall address all your translation and interpretation related queries.

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