7 Hebrew Words We Wish Had Direct Translations in English

Lesser-known languages have their own charm. Known as the language of the Jews, Hebrew is a beautiful language that is being used by 9 million speakers worldwide.

This beautiful language has had a history of its own wherein it has fought for its existence on the face of the earth. Having established itself successfully as Modern Hebrew, there are a few words that are so beautiful that we wish were emulated in English. So longer, we do not have any direct translations for these words, but they are good to befriend. Let’s have a look:

If we talk about literally translating it, it is “be new.” However, this does not really convey the meaning. This word is used when someone buys some new thing. It is similar to our “new pinch.”

We are sure you know this already. It’s quite popular these days. It is used to describe a person who has dared to do something out of the ordinary. It might be good or bad. To put it more appropriately, it is used when someone behaves in a manner that is not accepted.

A pretty flexible word. This word can mean different things at different times. For e.g., it can mean “just because,” or simply “just kidding.” It is usually used to render something insignificant.

A beautiful word, indeed! It is used to denote a feeling of happiness when someone has achieved something or to describe a generous soul. When something good happens, and someone finds joy in it, this word is used to describe that joy. Also, when someone makes the other person feel good without any selfish motive hidden behind, this word is used.

Someone must figure out an English alternative for this one. This word is hard to describe, but let us just try. It is similar to “darling” or “dear” but the literal translation is “soul.” It is used when someone is so close to heart that you can him or her your soul.

Again an ambiguous one. If you translate it literally, it means “to dig,” however, it is used to describe a person who is very talkative and loves to gossip.

This is another beautiful word. It simply denotes a punctuation in your conversation. Also, it is used as “let’s go” or “I let you go.” Sometimes an equivalent of “bye” and sometimes an equivalent of “hurry up.” This is a hard-to-describe word but beautiful at the same time.

While learning Hebrew is a terrible thing to do, getting it translated isn’t. If you have any document that you need to translate from English to Hebrew or vice versa, we can help. Language Oasis offers translation services for various needs like book translation, transcripts translation, passport translation, and documents translation a lot more. Got a query? Give us a buzz at 888-670-3369 and we shall address all your translation related queries.

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